When I ask patients how much they weigh as part of my examination, they almost immediately start talking about how they need to lose weight, how much weight they gained over the pandemic or that they think their extra weight is contributing to their presenting issue that brought them to my office.
Although it's important to keep your body fat percentage within healthy limits, there are so many other factors that effect your health (and how your muscles and joints feel!) other than your weight. Many people get hung up on how many pounds they weigh and then never make progress in other areas of their life that can make a big difference.
I saw this infographic on other factors that effect your health that are not your body size, that are helpful to consider as you improve your wellness. Take a look and see if there is a factor you can make a positive change with right now in your life. I'm happy to answer questions at your next visit and help you move forward in improving your health!
Erin Strauch-Ducat
Chiropractic Physician, Board-Certified in Sports Medicine, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation
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