What To Expect On Your First Visit

Here's what you need to know about your first chiropractic, physical therapy, or acupuncture appointment:

Arrive On-Time

  • Please arrive on time to your scheduled appointment. We have scheduled in some time for you to complete any other registration forms and to take your vitals before you see the doctor. Your prompt arrival helps us make sure we have any other additional forms required by insurance completed and helps respect our patients’ time.

How Long will my Appointment Take?

  • Allow about 45 minutes for your first visit for our team to complete a thorough comprehensive consultation, examination and determine your custom treatment plan on your initial visit.

What Should I Wear?

  • Dress in comfortable clothing, such as shorts and t-shirt or workout clothing that allows free movement. You may also bring a change of clothing with you if preferred.

Other Popular Questions

What Do I Need to Bring With Me?

  • Please bring any applicable IMAGING REPORTS you have for recent X-Ray, MRI or CT scans (or provide online through our scheduling portal).
  • A PHOTO ID and VALID INSURANCE card if you wish to bill insurance (or provide online through our scheduling portal).
  • A copy of your ACTIVE MEDICATIONS.

How Soon Can I Be Seen?

  • We will always work to get you seen by a physician as soon as possible, even same day if we can. Appointments requested at peak times in the morning and late afternoon may have a waiting period as these are our most popular appointment times. Dr. Ducat does not schedule new patient visits after 5pm.  If you are in acute pain, please call our office to see if there are any emergency appointments still available that are not visible through our online scheduling system.

What Costs Should I Expect?

  • Payment is required at time of service by credit or debit card, which is securely stored in our system for convenience.
  • All of our visits are based on a flat-fee pricing system without any hidden charges or bills. Many times your cost at our office is lower than in-network providers because our treatment is streamlined without costly extras and our patients get better with less visits overall.

Got A Question For Us?

We want to help you with whatever you need to be as comfortable as possible.

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